The result is displayed in a list with four columns. The first one is named “File”, which contains the name of the file in which the program found a bad link. The second column is named “Object”, and contains the type of link that is incorrect, for example “Link” or “Picture”. The third column, named “Error”, is what result that is reported for the link, for example “Not found” or “404 error”. When a local file (on the disk) doesn't exist, “Not found” is reported, and when an anchor is missing, “Not exist” is reported. External errors always ends with “error” and usually starts with a 3-digit number, like in the example. Finally the fourth column contains the incorrect URL, as it appears in the file. This can be for example “” for external links or “../folder/picture.gif” for local links.
While the files are checked, new errors are added in the end of the list as far as they are discovered. In the bottom of the window, you can find information about which file is currently proceeded and some other statistics. You can stop the process by clicking the stop-button, or by typing command-period.
When the process is finished
When the progressbar and the stop-button disappears from the bottom of the window, the searching procedure is done. Depending on your settings in the preferences-dialog, you will also be notified with a beep sound. If you haven't already done, you may need to stretch the window to see more of the list. Just drag in the bottom right corner of the window.
To get a better overview, you can sort the list by a specified column. As in Finder, just click on the column header, or use the “Sort By” menu under the “View”-menu. You can also switch between ascending and descending sort by clicking on the arrow in the left (just over the scrollbar), or again from the “Sort By”-menu. The list will keep sorted when it's printed and saved.
Another way to keep the list easy-to-read is to hide certain lines of it. Maybe you've a bounch of files on the server that are not stored in the same hiearchial way on your local disk. The program will report them as incorrect, but you know that they aren't. The easy solution to this problem is to hide lines. Either you can select one or many lines (using the shift and/or command-keys) and select “Hide Selected” from the “View”-menu. You can also choose “Hide...” (from the same menu) and get a 'find-looking' dialog to automatically select the lines you want to hide. The third way is to choose “Hide Duplicates...”. Then you're asked to select in which columns you want to hide duplicates. Sometimes, a link can appear numerous times in the same document. It is then reported incorrect more than once -a typical situation for the the “Hide Duplicates...”-command.
Full information
The list shows a good selection of information, but you may want to know more. Select a line and either double-click on it, choose “Show Information...” from the “File”-menu or hit “Enter” on the keyboard. Whatever you choose, the “Full information”-dialog will appear. It gives you extended information such as the full path to the file and what form the incorrect tag has. If it is an external link, you also have the opportunity to recheck the link. Servers are often temporarily unavailable, and when checking a big amount of pages on a big amount of servers at the same time, the chance to connect to a temporarily unavailable server is pretty good. Read the TCP-chapter for more. If the new result is different from the first one, a button labeled “Update list” wil appear. Click it, and the result-log will be updated. Finally, if an external link gives the code “301 File has moved”, you can get the new URL by a single click on the “New URL”-button.
There is a menu-item named “Test URL” described in the “Menus”-chapter. This can be useful to try out an URL that is OK. The url that automatically appears in the “Test URL”-window is the latest searched URL, or the URL that appeared in the latest opened “Full info”-dialog. To make a few cahnges in the URL and then try it, you don't need to remember the URL, just open thr ”Test URL”-window and it will be there automagically!
Other operations
In the right of the window there are three buttons to edit, print and save. These are described in the next chapter. In the “File”-menu you can find the “Search Again”-command which takes you back to the first window. The program will remind you that the operation can't be undone. Click “Don't ask again”, and you don't need to see the dialog anymore until the next time you run the program.